The Internet, it seems, is always full of surprises. According to a report released on April 30 by security software firm Symantec, religious and ideological websites are riskier to visit than adult and pornographic websites.
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, May 3, 2012, 8:53 a.m.
I knew it, the porn clone of Pinterest was for sure a mater of time! But with this domain? Someone really believe in the concept...
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, May 2, 2012, 8:38 p.m.
To be seen after TAC tv road safety commercial:
Post by boutdepapier in Fun, May 2, 2012, 6:46 p.m.
This is the actual choc advertising spot from Australia and road safety.
Post by boutdepapier in Society, May 2, 2012, 6:44 p.m.
I want the same!!!
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, May 2, 2012, 8:59 a.m.
Un pot pourri de photos toutes plus sublimes les unes les autres !
Post by boutdepapier in Arts, May 1, 2012, 8:39 p.m.
J'adooore ces maillots de bains, comme il est de ton: c'est canon :)
Post by boutdepapier in Shopping, May 1, 2012, 11:30 a.m.
I know what I ll try for my next brunch :p
Post by boutdepapier in Food, May 1, 2012, 11:14 a.m.
Step one: grap this huge thing and put it on the top the car. Step 2: find (clean) water to put in. Step 3: collect the wood to make the fire... Seriously ?
Post by boutdepapier in Fun, May 1, 2012, 11:07 a.m.
Je sais, il y a des tars qu'il faut garder pour soi mais j'adore cette chanson, merci à Eric Charden.
Post by boutdepapier in Music, May 1, 2012, 10:04 a.m.
Concept très intelligent, je sent que je vais tester ça très vite !
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 27, 2012, 5:06 p.m.
A film about bullying.
Post by boutdepapier in Society, April 26, 2012, 5:59 p.m.
Post by boutdepapier in Music, April 26, 2012, 4:52 p.m.
Le comportement des abstentionnistes du 1er tour mais aussi des électeurs de Le Pen, Mélenchon et Bayrou sera crucial le 6 mai. Faites vos simulations et regardez l'influence sur le résultat final.
Post by boutdepapier in Society, April 24, 2012, 7:30 p.m.
Facade of buildingUrban Forms 2011. Lodz, Poland.2011
Post by boutdepapier in Arts, April 22, 2012, 5:13 p.m.
Dire que je ne pouvais pas supporter ça et les petits poids quand j'étais enfant...
Post by boutdepapier in Music, April 22, 2012, 5:07 p.m.
J'imagine que le producteur a du être content
Post by boutdepapier in WTF, April 22, 2012, 10:52 a.m.
Post by boutdepapier in Arts, April 21, 2012, 10:36 p.m.
Bon bah si quelqu'un avait des doutes...
Post by boutdepapier in Fun, April 21, 2012, 10:22 p.m.
Directed by Jee-woon Kim. With Byung-hun Lee, Min-sik Choi, Gook-hwan Jeon, Ho-jin Cheon. When his pregnant fiancee becomes the latest victim of a serial killer, a secret agent blurs the line between good and evil in his pursuit of revenge.
Post by boutdepapier in Cinema, April 21, 2012, 10:10 p.m.
Post by boutdepapier in Commercials, April 16, 2012, 9:41 p.m.
Le - Le Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris organise, jusqu'au 19 août, la première rétrospective du dessinateur américain Robert Crumb.
Post by boutdepapier in Arts, April 16, 2012, 7:46 p.m.
Médiamétrie vient de dévoiler les derniers chiffres relatifs à la fréquentation des sites internet français en mars 2012. Dans le cadre de cette étude,
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 16, 2012, 2:29 p.m.
Et hop, Link5 est maintenant parfaitement en respect des normes du html5 !
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 16, 2012, 11:44 a.m.
Pour tous ceux qui ne connaissent pas : Scrum (framework) un outil permettant à une équipe de construire des software de qualité plus rapidement. Il y a aussi une philosophie forte, j'aime beaucoup.
Post by boutdepapier in Culture, April 16, 2012, 10:39 a.m.
Rien à dire, juste envie de partager...
Post by boutdepapier in Arts, April 12, 2012, 1:23 p.m.
Trois expositions sont actuellement consacrées à Liu Bolin à Paris, New York et Moscou jusqu'à la mi-mai 2012. Tour d'horizon de ses performances, entre illusion d'optique et contestation.
Post by boutdepapier in Arts, April 10, 2012, 9:16 p.m.
Welcome to the Monday where Facebook buys Instagram. Actually I'm as shocked as you are about the acquisition, namely because I was working on it as a funding story all morning. From what I'm hearing investors were shocked as well.
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 9, 2012, 8:36 p.m.
impress.js is a presentation tool based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 9, 2012, 6:29 p.m.
Bah voilà, on a enfin trouvé une utilité aux robots... D'autant que le petit à la batterie il assure grave !
Post by boutdepapier in Music, April 9, 2012, 4:17 p.m.
Ca c'est de la pub intelligente, j'adore ! C'est superbement réalisé et le flash mob est niquel et ça m'a fait plaisir de voir Rouen comme ça :)
Post by boutdepapier in Commercials, April 9, 2012, 1:10 p.m.
Pour tous les web développeurs, designers, chef de projets, ce truc est juste si simple et génial !
Post by boutdepapier in Internet, April 9, 2012, 10:25 a.m.
Ridiculously Photogenic Guy is a meme featuring a photo of an exceptionally handsome smiling man... And now this guys is a star, lol :)
Post by boutdepapier in Fun, April 8, 2012, 7:05 p.m.
SECURITE - Une mise à jour des Macs permet de boucher la vulnérabilité...
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 8, 2012, 1:16 p.m.
L'évolution prochaine du smartphone ?
Spa gagné pour moi, je déteste les lunettes... Bien que, je serais curieux de voir comment ça rend réellement et non sur une vidéo photoshopé ^^
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 8, 2012, 1:15 p.m.
Super weird and fun! I love how the guy act, he is amazing ^^
Post by boutdepapier in Fun, April 6, 2012, 5:31 p.m.
The making of "Hero," a drawing of my dad composed entirely out of 3.2 million ink dots -- This guy is a printer!
Post by boutdepapier in Arts, April 6, 2012, 5:12 p.m.
From the blog Next Great Depression? MIT researchers predict ‘global economic collapse’ by 2030: The Sideshow
Post by boutdepapier in Society, April 5, 2012, 9:06 a.m.
It will make my day :)
Post by boutdepapier in Music, April 4, 2012, 10:30 a.m.
Paris me manque un peu, du coup je met la vidéo en voyage et non en WTF ^^
Post by boutdepapier in Voyages, April 3, 2012, 6:45 p.m.
Ok c'est pas des plus fins... Mais y a tout de même un certain esthétisme ^^ Par contre je suis toujours aussi surpris qu'on puisse trouver ça sur youtube et pas un téton !
Post by boutdepapier in Animation, April 2, 2012, 10:45 p.m.
It’s not every day that you start a business and quickly decide to say “no” to 70 percent of your potential customers. In retrospect, this turned out to be 4ormat’s secret weapon.
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 2, 2012, 11:21 a.m.
Un peu le ressenti des fois...
Post by boutdepapier in Music, April 1, 2012, 8:08 p.m.
Je comprend la moitié de ce qu'il dit mais rien à faire je suis fan... Ca me donne envie de cuisiner tiens ^^
Post by boutdepapier in Food, April 1, 2012, 6:44 p.m.
Et aucune comparaison avec fcgi en terme de stabilité et scalabilité ! A essayer absolument : nginx + uwsgi.
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 1, 2012, 5:33 p.m.
Il est mignon cette année le poisson d'avril :)
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, April 1, 2012, 9:54 a.m.
Post by boutdepapier in Sports, March 31, 2012, 9:50 p.m.
Hé ben, si elle avec ça elle achète pas son pot de crème c'est vraiment une...
Post by boutdepapier in Commercials, March 30, 2012, 10:01 p.m.
So, what is the conclusion?
Soon we won't even need to drive to go to fast food!
Post by boutdepapier in Society, March 30, 2012, 3:42 p.m.
VISIT the euro zone and you will be invigorated by gusts of reform.
Post by boutdepapier in Society, March 30, 2012, 1 p.m.
Post by boutdepapier in Fun, March 30, 2012, 11:53 a.m.
He is the Motherfucking Pterodactyl! I had to create the WTF just for this link...
Post by boutdepapier in WTF, March 30, 2012, 8:47 a.m.
Très très bonne approche de ce fléau de mon enfance !
Post by boutdepapier in Fun, March 29, 2012, 7:52 p.m.
The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors Search engine optimization -- SEO -- may seem like alchemy to the uninitiated. But there is a sc
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, March 29, 2012, 5:46 p.m.
Looks good, I ll try it, just I am sure you need less oil.
Post by boutdepapier in Food, March 29, 2012, 11:51 a.m.
Black humour, I love it :)
Post by boutdepapier in Fun, March 28, 2012, 6:06 p.m.
Sous prétexte que ces publicités sont sexistes, beaucoup de féministes hurlent au loup dès qu'une mannequin lingerie montre un bout de téton ou que, pour vendre du chocolat, une femme à l'air chaviré entr'ouvre une bouche luisante de salive… Si...
Post by boutdepapier in Society, March 27, 2012, 10:55 p.m.
Time zones, an improved ORM, in-browser testing support and enhanced password hashing are all part of the new release of the Python web framework
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, March 27, 2012, 8:09 p.m.
Seems very important to Matt, I would be curious to know how they use it precisely.
Post by boutdepapier in Technologies, March 27, 2012, 10:20 a.m.
Près de 3400 femmes ont répondu à un questionnaire détaillé sur Internet. Certains résultats sont étonnants.
Post by boutdepapier in Society, March 26, 2012, 10:51 p.m.
Undertaker - this is getting better and better.
Anonymous - :) awesome
boutdepapier - Glad to see I am not the only fan!